Kamis, 22 September 2011

6 ways to sharpen your memory

6 Ways to Sharpen Your Memory

Quote from FoxNews, 23rd September 2011


Take a few minutes out of the day to challenge yourself with these mental exercises.

If "Now, what was I going to Google?" has become your new catchphrase, it's time to challenge your gray matter. "You can improve your memory and the way your brain functions overall by regularly exercising each of your five senses," says Manning Rubin, a co – author of Keep Your Brain Alive. Pick three days a week to do this series of six brain – stimulating exercises.

In the Morning :

  1. Change the StationSet your alarm clock to e new radio station ( or switch to the buzzer). Processing unfamiliar sounds – rather than that familiar DJ – wakes up your brain another way.
  2. Get Dressed With Your Eyes Closed. Lay your clothes out the night before, then put them on blindly in the a.m. (no peeking!). : If you blunt one senses, the others work harder, which strengthens the brain," says Rubin.

In the Afternoon :

  1. Play Lunch Roulette. Swap brown bags with one of your coworkers. Breaking a routine by surprising your taste buds helps force the brain to trigger new nerve pathways, which keeps it healthy.
  2. Shop by Heart. Fire up your brain – cell activity by trying to remember your grocery list in your head instead of relying on written list. Or at least tuck the paper into your bag and pull it out only at the end of your trip to catch what, if anything, you've missed.
  3. Have a Silent Family Dinner. Enforce a "no talking while eating" rule for one night. You'll have to communicate your request for an extra roll in a visual way, which will spark creativity.
  4. Switch Your Brushing Routine. Or rather, use your non - dominant hand. This challenges your brain to exercise nerve cells on the side that you don't typically use. Fighting cavities and memory loss: a fresh take on multitasking.


Santosa / 1805 BON
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Rabu, 21 September 2011

Kata-kata gombal

Kamu itu temen macem apa sih? mang kanapa ?Teganya mencuri hatiku jadi aku ingat kamu selalu 

Nganggur gak? temenin aku jalan yuk. | Kemana? | Temenin menjalani sisa hidupku  

Kalo kehujanan bareng kamu, air hujan yg dingin pun terasa seperti air shower yg hangat 

Panas setahun dihapus hujan sehari. Jomblo setahun dihapus kamu sehari 

Senyum kamu kayak baking soda, bikin senyumku ikutan mengembang  

Sejak kenal kamu, yang aku tau cuma 1 musim. Musim rindu 

Sejak kenal kamu, bawaanya pengen belajar terus deh. Belajar jadi yang terbaik buat kamu. 

Temenin aku ke rumah sakit yuk, hati aku ilang nih. | Kok bisa? | Diambil kamu.  

Ntar tolong izinin aku, yah. | Izinin apa? | Izinin aku mencintai kamu sekali ini saja 

Mencintaimu itu kaya mancing ikan. Sekali dapet, ga akan aku lepas lagi 

Kamu suka makan kerupuk yah? Tawa kamu renyah banget, suka deh.  

Biarin deh yamaha semakin di depan, aku maunya di samping kamu aja 

Cuma ada 3 manis alami di dunia ini, gula, madu dan KAMU 

Pantesan dari kemaren timbanganku naik terus, cintaku ke kamu selalu nambah sih tiap hari 

Jari kamu bagus ya,?kok bisa ? apalagi kalo ada jari aku di sela-selanya 

Diliat dari garis wajah, jangankan aura-aura jahat, Aura Kasih aja kalah sama kecantikan kamu 

Kita ke toko bunga yuk! | Mau beli apa? | Beli bibit cinta buat ditanam di hatimu 

Trans TV milik kita bersama, kalo aku milik kamu selamanya

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Senin, 19 September 2011

Good Story

"Palu menghancurkan kaca, tapi palu membentuk baja." 

Apa makna dari pepatah kuno Rusia ini ? 

Jika jiwa kita rapuh seperti kaca, maka ketika palu masalah menghantam kita, maka dg mudah kita putus asa, frustasi, kecewa, marah dan jadi remuk redam. 

Jika kita adalah kaca, maka kita juga rentan terhadap benturan. Kita mudah tersinggung, kecewa, marah, atau sakit hati saat kita berhubungan dengan orang lain. Sedikit benturan sdh lebih dari cukup untuk menghancurkan hubungan kita. 

Jangan pernah jadi kaca, tapi jadilah baja. Mental baja adalah mental yg selalu positif, bahkan tetap bersyukur disaat masalah dan keadaan yg benar2 sulit tengah menghimpitnya. 

Mengapa demikian ? 
Orang yang seperti ini selalu menganggap bahwa masalah adalah proses kehidupan untuk membentuknya menjadi lebih baik. 

Sepotong besi baja akan menjadi sebuah alat yg lebih berguna setelah lebih dulu diproses dan dibentuk dg palu. Setiap pukulan memang menyakitkan, namun mental baja selalu menyadari bahwa itu baik untuk dirinya. 

Jika hari ini kita sedang ditindas oleh masalah hidup, jangan pernah merespons dengan sikap yg keliru. 

Jika kita adalah "baja" kita akan selalu melihat palu yg menghantam kita sbg sahabat yg akan membentuk kita. 

Sebaliknya jika kita "kaca" maka kita akan selalu melihat palu sebagai musuh yg akan menghancurkan kita. 

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Apple or pear a day may keep stroke away

Apple or pear a day may keep stroke away


It's widely known that it's important to have a lot of color in our diet when it comes to your fruits and vegetables. The deeper the color, the better the vegetable. But that pertains to the color on their outside.

A new study shows eating a lot of "white flesh" fruit – fruit that is white on the inside – could significantly reduce your risk of having a stroke – the third – leading cause of death in the U.S.

On "The Early Show" Friday, Prevention magazine Contributing Editor Dr. Holly Phillips said'" With strokes, the color on the inside matters more than the color on the outside. A new American Heart Association study … looked at more than 20,000 people over ten years. And they found that people who had diets high in fruits that on the inside were white had 52 percent lower risk of stroke. It was actually primarily apples and pears – because they  are white on the inside – (that were) linked with the lower risk of stroke."

What is it about the white color that's so pivotal?

"Two nutrients in particular," Phillips said. "The first is fiber. Fiber has been shown to lower your blood pressure, probably the most important factor for reducing stroke risk. Another os a flavonoid that prevents plaque building up in the arteries, which also prevents heart disesase."

"Both apples and pears, in particular, are high in those nutrients. Cauliflower, cucumber, bananas – all those things are high in those nutrients that prevent stroke."

"The most important risk factors (for stroke), Phillips pointed out," are high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Outside of that, if you cut out the smoking, you're cutting your risk dramatically. Diabetes is a risk factor, and a previous history of heart disease or a family history of stroke, they matter also.

"An apple a day can really make a difference. Outside of that, controlling your weight, exercise, things that really cut down on heart disease in and of themselves. Eating an apple a day is easy."


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Rabu, 14 September 2011

Mau sedikit sharing utk kita2 sbg Orang Tua (hasil ceramah dr psikolog Bp. Puji Hartono,S.Psi),


yaitu ada 11 Pertanyaan Tak Terucap Dari Anak :


1.     Cintailah aku sepenuh hatimu

2.     Aku ingin jadi diri sendiri, maka hargailah aku..

3.     Cobalah mengerti aku dan cara belajarku..

4.     Jangan marahi aku di depan orang banyak..

5.     Jangan bandingkan aku dengan kakak dan adikku..

6.     Papa mama lupa, aku adalah fotocopymu..

7.     Kian hari umurku kian bertambah, maka jangan selalu anggap aku sbg anak kecil..

8.     Biarkan aku mencoba, lalu beritahu bila aku salah..

9.     Jangan membuat aku bingung, maka tegaslah padaku..

10. Jangan ungkit2 kesalahanku

11. Aku adalah LADANG BERKAT BAGIMU..?


Semoga bermanfaat…

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