Senin, 24 Februari 2014

Renungan Harian

Ada seorang dermawan yg menebar uang
Rp. 5.000,-
Rp. 10.000,-
Rp. 20.000,-
Rp. 50.000,-
Rp. 100.000,-
dari atas gedung

Dibawah gedung berkerumun banyak orang sibuk saling berebut memunguti uang yg berserakan
"TANPA ADA YG PEDULI" sumber uang itu dari SIAPA

Suatu saat,
Sang Dermawan naik lagi keatas gedung tersebut & kali ini beralih menebar krikil kecil kedalam kerumunan orang dibawah;
ada yg terkena di kepala,
bahu,tangan,punggung &
anggota tubuh lainnya,
mereka panik & marah, menengadah keatas berusaha "MENCARI TAHU"
sumber dari krikil dijatuhkan ??.

Itulah sikap dari kebanyakan manusia,saat BERKAT ( hal yg menguntungkan ) datang semua sibuk tanpa peduli siapa yg MEMBERI, & sedikit sekali yg MAMPU dan MAU mengucap SYUKUR.

Namun saat MASALAH datang maka semua akan spontan mencari sumber Masalah dan BIANG KEROK & marah menyalahkan orang lain tanpa mau cari solusi lagi.

"Apakah kita hanya mau menerima yang baik saja, tetapi tidak mau menerima yang buruk?"

Tanpa mau tahu bahwa hidup ini sudah satu paket, baik & buruk, senang & susah, semuanya satu kesatuan yang tak terpisahkan.

Bila suatu ketika anda
"kena giliran"
menjalani hal-hal buruk dan susah , maka jalanilah dgn tabah dan tetap Bersyukurlah ....... karena hanya itu kuncinya . 

Sent from The Milky Ways
Via Samsung Mobile

Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

Lunch with God

Lunch with God

    There once was a little boy who wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with cookies and a six-pack of root beer, and he started his journey.
    When he had gone a few blocks from home, he met an old man. He was sitting in the park near the water, just staring at some birds.
    The boy sat down next to him and opened his suitcase. He was about to take a drink from his root beer, when he noticed that the old man looked hungry, so he offered him a cookie.
    The old man gratefully accepted it and smiled at him. His smile was so incredible that the boy wanted to see it again, so he offered him a root beer.
    Once again, he smiled at him. The boy was delighted! They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never said a word.
    As it grew dark, the boy realized how tired he was, and he got up to leave. But before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, and ran back to the old man, and gave him a hug. The old man gave him his biggest smile ever.
    When the boy opened the door to his own house a short time later, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face. She asked her son: "What did you do today that made you so happy?"
    The child replied: "I had lunch with God." But before his mother could respond, he added, "You know what? He's got the most beautiful smile I've ever seen!"
    Meanwhile, the old man, also radiant with joy, returned to his home. His son was stunned by the look of peace on his face and asked, "Dad, what did you do today that made you so happy?"
    He replied: "I ate cookies in the park with God." But before his son responded, he added, "You know, He's much younger than I expected."
    Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring-all of which have the potential to make someone's day a very special one, or even turn someone's life around. 

Sent from The Milky Ways
Via Samsung Mobile

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

Boost Up your Wifi

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Via Samsung Mobile

Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

Kabin Mobil Bau Rokok! Nih, Cara Melenyapkannya

Kabin Mobil Bau Rokok! Nih, Cara Melenyapkannya

Paling tidak mengenakkan, dalam mobil bau rokok sangat menyengat. Ini menandakan, pemilik mobil suka merokok dengan kondisi AC berfungsi. Akibatnya, bau asap rokok yang tak enak tercium hidung.

Bisa begitu lantaran bakteri, kotoran atau abu (partikel halus) yang sebenarnya belum terlepas dari permukaan doortrim atau karpet mobil. Menghilangkan bau apek atau rokok tadi bisa dengan berbagai cara.

Salah satunya, menggunakan alcohol spray. Cara yang terbilang murah meriah lantaran bahan dasar yang dipakai tak lain hanya cairan alkohol murni 70-90% yang banyak dijual di apotek (gbr.1).

Beli alkohol sesuai kebutuhan. Bila permukaan yang akan disemprot cukup banyak bisa beli yang kemasan 1 liter. Sebaliknya, gunakan alkohol botol kecil bila area yang akan disemprot tidak terlalu besar dan banyak.

Gunakan alat penyemprot tanaman alias spray gun tangan yang banyak dijual bebas di supermarket (gbr.2). Isi tabung sprayer dengan alkohol murni hingga habis (gbr.3).

Semprotkan langsung ke permukaan bahan fabric pada permukaan door trim atau karpet dasar dengan format kabut (mist). Lakukan secara berulang dengan metode keliling (gbr.4).

Maksudnya, bila door trim pada pintu driver sudah puas di spray, lanjutkan dengan pintu belakang kanan hingga berakhir di pintu depan kiri.

Pada saat itu, alkohol di pintu driver yang pertama kali disemprot, dipastikan sudah kering dan silakan ulangi hingga 2  atau 3 kali proses penyemprotan.

Bila kasusnya untuk menghilangkan bau asap rokok, pastikan kisi-kisi ventilasi AC juga ikut disemprot alkohol. "Cairan alkohol cepat kering dan mampu menetralisir bau sekaligus mematikan bakteri yang terbawa air kotor," ungkap Indra Growong dari Garasi-941 Car Care di bilangan Cinere, Depok.

Namun, Indra juga mewanti-wanti untuk interior atau kabin yang dominan kulit asli atau kulit imitasi. Pastikan untuk mencoba alkohol spray dalam dosis sedikit terlebih dahulu pada tempat yang agak tersembunyi.

Maksudnya untuk memastikan semburan alkohol tadi tidak bereaksi dan merusak permukaan yang kena semprot. "Bila ternyata aman, silakan lanjut ke permukaan lebih besar dengan dosis berulang," jelasnya. (

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Via Samsung Mobile


Cara Lapor Blokir Nomor Handphone Penipuan

Seringkali kita mendapat SMS penipuan yang menyatakan anda menjadi pemenang kuis, SMS yang pura2 nyasar tentang transfer uang, mama genit minta pulsa, agen pulsa super murah dst…

Jangan kita biarkan,saat ini ada cara utk menanggulangi nya :

Format SMS : penipuan#nomor penipu#isi SMS tipuan dan kirim ke 1166
Contoh : Penipuan#081212­3456#selamat anda mendptkan 1 unit mbl avanza dr telkomsel poin…dst lalu kirim ke 1166

2. XL
Format SMS : Lapor#Nomor yg di gunakan utk menipu#kasus yg di keluhkan lalu krm ke 588

Format SMS : SMS(spasi)Nomor­ pengirim SMS penipuan(spasi)­isi SMS penipuan,kirim ke 726

Jika sudah lebih dr 2 org yg melaporkan SMS penipuan, maka nomor tersebut segera diblokir… secara permanen oleh operator…

Layanan ini gratis

Sekedar Info..
Jika Anda mengalami penipuan dalam "Transaksi ONLINE" cukup kirim kronologis dan No. Rekening si penipu ke email "cybercrime@pol­" POLRI akan langsung bertindak dengan memblokir ATM si penipu & melacak keberadaannya untuk di tindak sesuai hukum.

Share ke teman2 yg lain utk membantu mencegah maraknya penipuan dgn Modus Online.

•Dari pihak Kepolisian menghimbau kepada Masyarakat khususnya pengguna Blackberry, agar berhati-hati dalam menulis status di BLACKBERRY MESSENGER, Yahoo Messenger »">YAHOO MESSENGER, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, dll. Karena apabila tdk berhati-hati dapat memungkinkan terjadinya tindak kejahatan seperti perampokan, penculikan, pemerkosaan, dsb.

Kejadian diatas bisa saja terjadi apabila Anda menulis status seperti:
home alone,
bete nih dirumah sendirian,
kesepian ditinggal orang tua/suami keluar kota, dsb.
Yg dpt menandakan bahwa Anda berada dalam posisi sendiri sehingga dpt memudahkan para pelaku tindak kejahatan dlm melakukan aksinya.
Atau menuliskan status seperti:
@ luar kota,
@ mal tertentu, dll
Jadi Kami mohon kpd Masyarakat agar lebih
Jadi mulai skarang mulai hati2 lah dalam menulis STATUS

Sumber : Bareskrim MABES POLRI.

Semoga informasi Bermanfaat
Indahnya Berbagi…

Sent from The Milky Ways
Via Samsung Mobile

Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

Tips menerjang Banjir

Bagi anda yang TERPAKSA melalui lokasi banjir dan menerjang genangan air, ada beberapa tips untuk anda.
Check this out ...

1. Nyetir di tempat banjir ga perlu ngebut. Kenapa? Utk menghindarin cipratan berlebih diruangan mesin yg berpotensi bikin mogok.

2. Nerjang banjir paling aman pakai gigi 1 (mobil matic pindah ke L atau 1). Karena beban mobil lebih berat wkt nerjang banjir

3. Gak perlu resah urusan knalpot kemasukkan air. Knapa? Karena knalpot gak akan bisa kemasukkan air selama mesin tetap nyala.

4. Ketimbang knalpot, yg harus diperhatikan justru filter udara (intake udara) di ruang mesin. Bagian ini lebih rentan bikin mogok di banjir

5. Karena filter udara yg kemasukkan air (cipratan dari menerjang banjir) bisa bikin mogok dan mesin jebol (water hammer). Maka dari itu atur dan pertahankan kecepatan kendaraan perlahan saat melintas.

6. Jika memungkinkan, hindari berhenti ditengah banjir. Karena saat mobil berhenti, permukaan air akan naik di ruang mesin.

7. Pada dasarnya, mobil bermesin diesel lebih aman nerjang banjir dibanding mesin bensin. Diesel lebih bersifat 'Waterproof'. Makanya pake Fortuner Diesel ...

8. Kenapa ga bole terlalu di gas wkt lewat banjir? Karena filter udara semakin kuat nyedot udara. Makin berpotensi ngisep air.

9. Selalu siaga dan cermat. Tanpa disadari, yg bikin mobil kita mogok justru terjangan ombak air berlebih dari mobil sebelah.

10. Setelah melewati genangan, jgn langsung mengebut. Cukup berbahaya karena kondisi rem kita masih sangat licin.

11. Cara mengeringkan rem setelah melewati genangan? Cukup lakukan rem kecil berulang hingga terasa menggigit kembali.

12. Untuk mobil manual, usahakan menghindari menginjak kopling saat berada di genangan banjir. Mengapa? Karena menginjak kopling di genangan banjir membuat air masuk ke transmisi. Berpotensi merusak transmisi karena oli bercampur air.

13. Jika belum familiar dgn jalan yg dilewati. Usahakan jgn melintas pinggir jalan. Mgkn saja ada selokan :-)

14. bagusnya kata TERPAKSA diawal kalimat ini diganti HINDARI genangan banjir

Keep Safety !

Sent from The Milky Ways
Via Samsung Mobile

Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

5K untuk keberhasilan pekerjaan

Mengutip dari acara talkshow radio, antara penyiar dengan seorang nara sumber. Dan sang narasumber memberikan pengalaman hidupnya, dan berkata, untuk mencapai keberhasilannya saat ini diperlukan 5K.
5K ini telah menuntun sang narasumber menjadi seorang yang berhasil seperti saat ini.

5K ini adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Kesungguhan - apapun pekerjaan anda, lakukan dengan Kesungguhan.
2.Kejujuran - apapun pekerjaan anda, lakukan dengan Kejujuran.
3. Kehati-hatian - apapun pekerjaan anda, lakukan dengan hati2 dan penuh pertimbangan.
4. Kegembiraan - apapun pekerjaan anda, lakukan dengan kegembiraan. Karena separuh hidup anda, dihabiskan dengan pekerjaan yg anda temui setiap hari.
5. Keikhlasan - apapun pekerjaan anda, lakukan dengan ikhlas.

Demikian 5K.

Sent from The Milky Ways
Via Samsung Mobile

Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

Study shows too much sugar can lead to fatal heart problems

Study shows too much sugar can lead to fatal heart problems

Feb 04, 2014 12:00 AM EST
Associated Press

Could too much sugar be deadly? The biggest study of its kind suggests the answer is yes, at least when it comes to fatal heart problems.

It doesn't take all that much extra sugar, hidden in many processed foods, to substantially raise the risk, the researchers found, and most Americans eat more than the safest amount.

Having a cinnamon roll with your morning coffee, a super-sized sugary soda at lunch and a scoop of ice cream after dinner would put you in the highest risk category in the study. That means your chance of dying prematurely from heart problems is nearly three times greater than for people who eat only foods with little added sugar.

For someone who normally eats 2,000 calories daily, even consuming two 12-ounce cans of soda substantially increases the risk. For most American adults, sodas and other sugary drinks are the main source of added sugar.

Lead author Quanhe Yang of the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention called the results sobering and said it's the first nationally representative study to examine the issue.

Scientists aren't certain exactly how sugar may contribute to deadly heart problems, but it has been shown to increase blood pressure and levels of unhealthy cholesterol and triglycerides; and also may increase signs of inflammation linked with heart disease, said Rachel Johnson, head of the American Heart Association's nutrition committee and a University of Vermont nutrition professor.

Yang and colleagues analyzed national health surveys between 1988 and 2010 that included questions about people's diets. The authors used national death data to calculate risks of dying during 15 years of follow-up.

Overall, more than 30,000 American adults aged 44 on average were involved.

Previous studies have linked diets high in sugar with increased risks for non-fatal heart problems, and with obesity, which can also lead to heart trouble. But in the new study, obesity didn't explain the link between sugary diets and death. That link was found even in normal-weight people who ate lots of added sugar.

"Too much sugar does not just make us fat; it can also make us sick," said Laura Schmidt, a health policy specialist at the University of California, San Francisco. She wrote an editorial accompanying the study in Monday's JAMA Internal Medicine.

The researchers focused on sugar added to processed foods or drinks, or sprinkled in coffee or cereal. Even foods that don't taste sweet have added sugar, including many brands of packaged bread, tomato sauce and salad dressing. Naturally occurring sugar, in fruit and some other foods, wasn't counted.

Most health experts agree that too much sugar isn't healthy, but there is no universal consensus on how much is too much.

U.S government dietary guidelines issued in 2010 say "empty" calories including those from added sugars should account for no more than 15 percent of total daily calories.

The average number of daily calories from added sugar among U.S. adults was about 15 percent toward the end of the study, slightly lower than in previous years.

The authors divided participants into five categories based on sugar intake, from less than 10 percent of daily calories - the safest amount - to more than 25 percent.

Most adults exceed the safest level; and for 1 in 10 adults, added sugar accounts for at least 25 percent of daily calories, the researchers said.

The researchers had death data on almost 12,000 adults, including 831 who died from heart disease during the 15-year follow-up. They took into account other factors known to contribute to heart problems, including smoking, inactivity and excess weight, and still found risks for sugar.

As sugar intake increased, risks climbed steeply.

Adults who got at least 25 percent of their calories from added sugar were almost three times more likely to die of heart problems than those who consumed the least - less than 10 percent.

For those who got more than 15 percent - or the equivalent of about two cans of sugary soda out of 2,000 calories daily - the risk was almost 20 percent higher than the safest level.

Sugar calories quickly add up: One teaspoon has about 16 calories; one 12-ounce can of non-diet soda contains has about 9 teaspoons of sugar or about 140 calories; many cinnamon rolls have about 13 teaspoons of sugar; one scoop of chocolate ice cream has about 5 teaspoons of sugar.

Dr. Jonathan Purnell, a professor at Oregon Health & Science University's Knight Cardiovascular Institute, said while the research doesn't prove "sugar can cause you to die of a heart attack", it adds to a growing body of circumstantial evidence suggesting that limiting sugar intake can lead to healthier, longer lives.

Sent from The Milky Ways
Via Samsung Mobile

Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

Benefits of Cabbage

Winter Cabbage With a Mediterranean Flair

January 31, 2014
One of the things I appreciate about this produce-limited time of year is that it forces me to devote a week of Recipes for Health to cabbage. I love this nutrient-dense cruciferous vegetable for many reasons: the way it sweetens as it cooks in the pan; the price per pound; the way it is comfortable in a soup or a pie, a stew, a gratin or a salad, a stir-fry or a timbale. Yet I sometimes forget to pay attention to cabbage. It can be overshadowed by other winter vegetables like kale, its more fashionable cousin.

The extraordinary health benefits of cabbage reside mainly in its abundant polyphenols and glucosinilates. These micronutrients are proving to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help the body fight disease. Cabbage is also an excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of vitamin A.

I was all set to focus on recipes from Russia and Eastern Europe this week, and I did come up with some fabulous pirozhki, the classic Russian little oval pies. But as so often happens when I am exploring recipes and experimenting in my kitchen, I could not get away from the Mediterranean, where cabbage is also widely appreciated. So this week you will taste a delicious soup that is seasoned with Parmesan rinds, Italian bruschetta topped with pan-cooked cabbage, as well as a spicy Tunisian chakchoukah, a vegetable stew that is traditionally mainly peppers and tomatoes, but in this version features cabbage, peppers and tomatoes, with eggs poached right in the stew.

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Via Samsung Mobile